Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Taiwan 2011 / Part 3 / IDA Night One

so like i wrote before, it was now about 7pm, and the night had fallen, and something special was planned for the night.

it was time to party, and what a party it would be. 

one of the best things about international symposiums like this are the opportunities provided to network among each other simply to get to know each other just a little better. we would be given time to chat and mingle, usually within the context of festive, party - like ambience, and here at the IDA in taiwan, it was no different.

but what really was surprising here was that there would be a party planned EVERY night from about 7.30 pm till about 11.30 pm for the next 3 days during the convention, and the venues were iconic cultural and historical landmarks that were simply breathtaking to look at.

and so on the first night, we were shuttled from the IDA venue to a huge complex that architecturally oozed with a sense of ancient chinese opulence and magnificence. this was one of the most important buidlings in the city, indeed, the country itself,  and being there admring the grand luxury of it all was simply an amazing affair. 

this was the National Theater and Concert Hall in taipei and the festivities here, were in full swing. 

once i arrived, i walk through this modern temporary vibrantly coloured arch into a vast cobble paved peoples' square, that formed the central space within the entire grounds of the traditional complex. 

i see two huge grandiose buildings, clearly oriental in nature, where one was on my left and the other on my right. both halls were designated as major venues for the performing arts both on a local and international level, but what really strikes me is just how intricately and beautifully designed these centers were.

in particular, the grand and expansive sweeping roofs, graceful and golden beneath the starless skies of the city, that really captivates me.

at times the main roof seems over empowering, both in design and structure, and its very presence seemed to be  supported only by an array of thin and slender red columns, that formed the exterior perimeter of the hall.

and in between these 2 wonderful buildings, an open air banquet takes place

and as i walk around, unexpectedly, i meet some familiar faces from back home. a malaysian delegation of sorts were there for the convention too, and it felt good to reconnect with something from back home. and of course, the next thing on the agenda ... dinner.

while dinner was being served, a concert was taking place featuring a mix of the traditional, peppered occasional with bouts of the modern. at one moment, the ear - piercing haunting sounds of the erhu resounded in the air, and the next moment, a attractive all girl musical band started belting out mando - pop hits to us audience members.

and then there was even a time during the concert, where they put the two together, the traditional and the modern. 

 and a diva makes an appearance.

pretty soon though, i go back to what interests me more, and i just love what i see. 

 in particular, as i get closer to these 2 huge theaters, straining my neck as i look up, i begin to appreciate the seemingly endless mosaic of construction details that form the ceilings and the panels underneath the roof.

the mixture of carved posts and adorned beams, of enriched lintels and painted columns, of a thousand ornaments and a thousand more decorations was simply astounding to look at, and i can only imagine the countless hours it must have taken to so painstakingly complete these intricate designs for these buildings.

and to see this kind of rich, almost infinite amount of design detail on almost every exterior surface of the edifice simply boggles the mind.

part of the agenda of the night was a planned cultural performance that was scheduled to take place inside the halls of both the buildings. we had a choice of either entering the building on the left or the right, where one would be a percussion performance, of beating drums and vibrant rhythms,  and the other a slice of taiwanese opera, of theatrical wailings and dramatic engagements. 

i chose opera. 


and i was delighted by the choice i made. 

again, the central theme of luxury and opulence is clearly reflected throughout the theater as its primary design inspiration. the choice of materials, light marble and dull gold being the most obvious, coupled with superficial added on floral decorations and gigantic crystal chandeliers all seemed a bit too decadent for me, but i suppose that was the purpose of buildings of this nature and function. i observe what i can and proceed with the masses.

i then move in for the show. 

the show was about to start.

i take a shot for posterity just before it does.

and soon, the show begins!

colorful characters in chromatic costumes soon make a dramatic appearance, accompanied by both narration and music by a group of immensely talented live musicians to tell a story in mandarin. i try to appreciate as much as i could.

and when the shows over, a final bow to wish us good night. and we applaud them.

walking out of the hall, i notice 2 hauntingly serene statues of damsels playing instruments, frozen in time eternally as i make my way to the exit point.

taking just a little longer to take my final shots of the night, i was truly entertained by the events of the evening and of the day itself, but now it was clearly time to go back to our respective accommodations. we would be shuttled back to certain pre-planned drop off points that were nearest to our hotels and hostels, and i needed to hurry to avoid missing my commune back home.

and just as i was about to leave, i took one last shot of this grand, commanding gateway, subtly and outstandingly illuminated in the dark that marked the entrance of the entire grounds of the complex. it somehow seemed befitting that the last shot i take for the evening of this venue, was also the first one i had taken when i arrived hours earlier and once i took this piece, i truly felt the day was done. i was content.

one last surprise greeted me however, once the bus dropped me off and i had to walk back to my guesthouse. everything at this hour, the stroke of midnight, was dead as a doornail, and all i could think of was my bed and a good night sleep. just outside the guesthouse, however, was this collection of alluring orange hued paper lanterns, that were suspended outside the facade of an shoplot, that created a beautiful vertical array of illuminated orbs, seemingly floating in the dark, eminating an eerie kind of radiant beauty. 

i couldnt help but to stop and stare for a moment, appreciating its hypnotizing presence, before heading back to my room and i thought to myself, what a beautiful end to the night this was. 

a day full of excitement, and a night that ended with a curtain of light. truly, a wonderful day. 

on to the next day of the congress.

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